Iko's Healing Forest
528Hz Meditation・Miracle Tone/DNA Repair 528ヘルツ メディテーション・ミラクルトーン・DNA修正
English Follows after Japanese) いっこのヒーリングフォレスト・7分メディテーションシリーズ第4弾。今回は、528ヘルツ。これも、パワフルな周波数です。ミラクルトーンとも呼ばれています。
この日も、ふと気づくと、目の前をビーバーが泳いでいました。大アオサギ(Great Blue Heron)も、美しい姿を表してくれます。イーグルも、よく魚を狙っている、自然豊かな美しい川です。その川のせせらぎや鳥のさえずりからの癒し、そしてパワフルな528ヘルツの癒しをダブルでお楽しみ下さい。
528Hz Miracle Tone/DNA Repair Meditation
🌿DNA repair and transformation
Healing DNA and increase life energy, clarify mind, gives greater
awareness and creativity.
When used with clear intention, this 528Hz can have the ability to
bring Miracles.
🌿This frequency were used by ancient priests and healers in advanced
civilization to manifest miracles and produce blessings.
🌿This frequency is physically beneficial for health and longevity.
Enjoy this powerful frequency by the beautiful Verde River in northern
When I went to filming this time, one cute beaver was swimming
right in front of me..
Blue herons show themselves so beautiful always,
I also see eagle often when they are trying to get meals.
I thank you, Mother Nature for sharing their beauty and healing.